Welcome to the Plastipak Learning Management System (LMS)

                    Internal Plastipak Administrator: Vector Solutions Customer Support:
                    734.354.7777 or helpdesk@plastipak.eu 866.546.1212 or support.lms@vectorsolutions.com or Live Chat 

                                                         Discuss with your supervisor before enrolling in a course.

Copying a Course

Retornar a referências

See a course you like in the LMS and want to reuse all or some of the same elements?  Maybe you like the structure of a current course?  You don't have to create a course from scratch!  Save time by copying the similar course and apply your updates.

Use the link below to access the instructional video:

Red Vector for Dummies - Copying a Course

To view additional instructional videos, you can find them listed under References in the LMS. 

Tip:  Simplify your search by filtering on category Instructional Videos under Reference Category.

Instructional videos and additional support tools can also be located on the Plastipak Academy intranet site below:

Plastipak Academy LMS & Support Tools